upscaling your income

Giorgi Mikaia


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about me

My name is Giorgi, a Copywriter. In the midst of business chaos, I chose to be the bridge between business owners and customers. My bridge is my words; with words, I connect people to each other and deliver as exact and powerful message as required.

My goal is simple, I’ll write you the words that ignite the spark in your offers and business.

So you can:

  • Sell your products & services faster
  • Scale your offers easier
  • Seize the attention of your ideal audience

Words that sell

Delivering carefully crafted words leads directly to sales. With correct strategic marketing and precise language, I’ve seen an impressive 26% increase in sales in just a matter of weeks.

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Who is this for

✔ - coaches

✔ - Business owners

✔ - organizations

✔ - Event Organizers

✔ - enterpruners


Email Marketing

landing pages

sales funnels

Stand out From competition

without copywriter

Business owners who don’t value their time

with copywriter

Business owners who value their time

Clients Agree

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satisfaction rating

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increase in users

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increase in sales

Without good copy your business will die

i know it sound harsh. but it’s true

and when i say “good” i’m not talking about “decent”

i’m talking about that smooth-as-butter good kind of copy.

the kind that melts down your client’s defenses and has them whipping out their credit cards like a reflex - on your demand.

but i have to warn you

Your every choice has its consequences

While you are having mixed feelings about it

Somebody with a sense of urgency is already winning

Time's ticking, your move decides:

Victory or Defeat

What is your call?

are you ready to work together

if so, arrange call with me & let’s see together if we can make magic together!

Let s keep in touch


+995 571-00-56-57



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